Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Is it faster to Rome or by Aston Martin: Day 34

Tuesday was a very interesting day for me, to say the least...

I started off the day with a nice run/mostly walk in the Villa Doria Pamphilj that lasted just over two hours.

Then I got some homework done.

Around 11:30 AM I rode the tram to the stop right before the river, started walking towards the Vatican, and came across the filming of the new James Bond film set to release later this year. It was what was left of part of the chase scene along the Tiber River.

James Bond as in Daniel Craig. As in they're in Rome filming for Spectre until March 12th.

Afterwards, I did some more homework in my favorite cafe, headed to school and worked on a painting that I have lost all enthusiasm for and am ready to move on to the next one. I am learning what I do and do not enjoy when it comes to acrylics.

From 6-7 PM I participated in the development of the film club during one of our first meetings. The club definitely has potential, and I have a lot of ideas, so this will be a fun project when I am not traveling here!

And because it was Paige's 21st birthday, we went out to an Irish Pub called Scholars, and sang along to other people singing Karaoke all night. I have never had so much fun!

I wouldn't mind having more days like Tuesday.

And as for the title of this post, I have my uncle Peter to thank for his infamous joke: Is it faster to Chicago or by Bus? He has a knack for oxymorons.

Observation of the Day: I cannot wait to come back to Rome with a film crew of my own! For now, I will settle with getting a glimpse of James Bond..